First, one of the last two amaryllis bulbs I forced for flower is now having a scape. I don't know what color this bulb will bloom since the tag has been "stolen" by my dogs. It could be either be a white NOID or AB and I hope it will be white since it's hard to find white locally.
Next is the Mai flowers from a small tree I planted a few years ago. I intended to train this tree into a bonsai tree, but then I totally forgot it! Today, I spotted its golden blooms and felt so sorry that I hadn't paid any attention to it. Now I promise to myself that once the 'making-over' of my back yard is done with the workmen, I will repot this tree and nurse it carefully so that I will have more blooms by next Chinese NY.
Then my lavender waterlily. I planted this waterlily in a very big planter, with mud, about 6 or 7 years ago at least. The planter is so big that I couldn't do anything alone, and since we haven't got any garden-helper anymore, I just let it be! Faithfully, the plant blooms regularly for me although the bloom is not big and comes but one at a time! Again, I promise myself I will get help to change the mud in this planter for the waterlily.
And finally, my adenium and bougainvillas. Oh mine, they definitely are sun-lovers! They are now showing their most beautiful, brillant blooms, since the last rainy season.
I know I should keep my promise to repot those plants. They look too beautiful to ignore!